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Artificial Intelligence is an aspect in Computer Science that focuses on creating machines and computer programs that have the ability to think, learn and process information just like humans do. Hence the name, “Artificial Intelligence”. Artificial Intelligence comes in all shapes and forms and some examples that are exploited in our everyday lives include Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and many more. Understanding Artificial Intelligence and its potential at this point in our technological society are crucial as the possibilities are endless.

Artificial Intelligence is an aspect in Computer Science that focuses on creating machines and computer programs that have the ability to think, learn and process information just like humans do. Hence the name, “Artificial Intelligence”. Artificial Intelligence comes in all shapes and forms and some examples that are exploited in our everyday lives include Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and many more. Understanding Artificial Intelligence and its potential at this point in our technological society are crucial as the possibilities are endless.


Machine Learning is considered a branch of Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning is when machines learn through data and statistics and have the ability to perform tasks without being programmed to do so. Andrew Ng, a professor at Stanford University said, “Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.”


An example of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is used hand in hand is through Google. At Google’s I/O 2018 Keynote, they released the “Smart Compose” feature for Gmail. “Smart Compose” suggests a couple of words add to your unfinished sentences based on the content of your email.


When many people think of the word, Artificial Intelligence, they conceptualize futuristic physical robots that act and react like humans. Although, Artificial Intelligence is much more than this and currently plays a crucial role in our modern and technological society and will definitely continue to expand exponentially as time progresses. Many people have mixed thoughts on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence in the future. Will it fix many of the global issues such as global warming or will it add on to the problem? Many people are skeptical of the dangers of Artificial Intelligence as it continues to gain knowledge but Artificial Intelligence will continue to make our lives easier. Artificial Intelligence is also rupturing the economy in a very impactful way. As we know, Artificial Intelligence will take over many jobs in large industries. Although, at the same time, many jobs are needed in order to continue to construct, program and maintain Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, the number of jobs created with Artificial Intelligence will be less than the number of jobs taken away.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence



A.I and Life in 2030

Navigate through this article to see how industries will be impacted by Artificial intelligence in the future. 

Standing Meeting

A.I and Employement

Discover new job opportunities created by Artificial intelligence



Benefits and Risks of A.I

This article gives the reader some things to think about when it comes to A.I helping us in society or not.

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